A note on Free freight -





Chicago Distribution Center, Longleaf Services, and Hopkins Fulfillment Services

now offer independent bookstores FREE FREIGHT 

(15+ units for CDC; $150 net for Longleaf; 15+ units for HFS).

If you want to take advantage of these programs you should contact CDCLongleaf, and/or HFS to have them adjust your account preferences. 





Publishers grouped by distribution center



Chicago Distribution Center:


 15+ units = free freight, discount terms vary depending on publisher (see below)


Getty Publications (T 1=46%, X 1=40%, S 1=20%)

Museum of New Mexico Press (T 1=43%, 25+=45%; S=40%)

Northwestern University Press (T=43%; SP, X=40%; Short “S”=25%)

Ohio University Press (5+=50% discount for all books, frontlist/backlist trade/short)

Temple University Press (Trade 4-10 = 40%, 10 or more = 46%; Short 1- 4 = 20%; 4 and above = 40%)

University of Alabama Press (45% discount on trade titles. Keycode - ALSHORT40 for a 40% discount on shorts)

University of Arizona Press (T 1=45%; S 1=40% on rep orders)

University of Illinois Press (Seasonal Rep Special - 47% all discount codes, no minimum, no maximum)

University of Iowa Press (T=46%, S=40%. No minimums)

University of Missouri Press (Rep special: 50% on all titles, trade and short, in seasonal order. T=45%; SP=40%; S=20%; Boxed sets=30%)

University of Nevada Press (Seasonal rep special - 5+= 50% , shorts are 40%)

University of Tennessee Press (Orders through the rep will receive 42%, 10+ units = 45%)

University of Utah Press (T=44%, S=30%)

West Virginia University Press (T = 45%; SP = 40%; S = 25%)




Longleaf Services:


$150 net = free freight, Longleaf consolidates orders.

Rep Special for all Longleaf clients - Promo Code LL40PLUS.

50% trade (T); 45% shorts (S); 40% text (X)



Texas Tech University Press

University of Georgia Press

University of New Mexico Press

University of Oklahoma Press

University Press of Kansas





Hopkins Fulfillment Services:


HFS discounts are generally 46% on trade titles, 40% on short titles, 5 copy minimum.



Free freight is now available


One purchase order, combined shipments 

Minimum order of $250 net per order

Mix and match titles from any of these publishers:


Indiana University Press 

Johns Hopkins University Press 

Maryland Center for History and Culture 

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of Toronto Press

Wayne State University Press

Wesleyan University Press



University of Toronto Press terms for retailers:



BNO (No discount) - 0%

BSR (Short) - 20%

BTD (Trade) - 42%

BTX (Text) - 20%

SALES REP SPECIAL - 40% - ASRS Promo Offer (5 copy min)




The following publishers are distributed by Hopkins Fulfillment Services but are not participating in the free freight program:


Central European University Press

Modern Language Association (5+=40%)






Ingram Publishing Services:



Minnesota Historical Society Press (5+ = 45% discount)

University of Pennsylvania Press (T=45%; S=40% on rep orders)





Publishers I represent who distribute themselves (many of these publishers also offer free freight):



Backcountry Press (10+ units = 40% and free freight)

Diamond Book Distributors ($100 retail - 46% and free freight)

Epicenter Press (45% returnable, 50% non-returnable, free freight)

Kent State University Press (Trade titles=45%; Short titles, rep override=40%. Account pays freight)

Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation (1+=40%, account pays freight)

Millichap Books (6+= 46% and free freight)

North Star Editions (1=46% and free freight on $30 net or more. No minimums)

Oxford University Press(Retail Independent Plan accounts may receive free freight on their seasonal “new title” order each season. Backlist can be included. Discounts are variable)

Penn State University Press (TR = 46%, SH = 40% on orders submitted through the rep)

Prospero Art (24 assorted units = $120 total net, $5.00 net unit price, 60% discount. Free shipping)

Redwood Hikes Press (10+ maps= 45% discount with free shipping)

Rochester Institute of Technology Press (RIT Press - All titles 40%. Account pays shipping)

Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers (5=45%. Calendar Special: 6=50%, free freight)

SUNY Press (45% on orders submitted by rep. Account pays shipping)

Trailmaster (45% discount with 6 book minimum. 36+=Free shipping)

University of Hawaii Press (T: 1=42%, 50=46%; S: 1=40%, rep override. Seasonal special: 50% on one order, UHP titles only)

University Press of Florida Trade=45%; Short=40%; Text =20%. No minimums)


 assembly line





Detailed list of Publisher terms


 Specials in RED



 logo oxford u press

Oxford University Press (Edelweiss)

Catalogs only on Edelweiss, check the Oxford University Press page on this site for discount terms.

Retail Independent Plan FFSA-479 Free Freight for both backlist and frontlist on your seasonal order.

The Fall Gift Special generally starts September 1st. One order, 15+units = Free freight.

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming



logo backcountry press

Backcountry Press


2-9      units  = 35% discount $3.00 flat rate shipping;

10-24  units  = 40% and free freight

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo Central European University Press

Central European University Press (Hopkins Fulfillment Services, Edelweiss)

T=46%, A=40%, S=20% 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo diamond 

Diamond Book Distributors (Edelweiss)

12 books=46%. Free freight on orders of at least $100 retail

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana



logo epicenter press

Epicenter Books (IPS, Edelweiss)

45% Free freight returnable

50% Free freight nonreturnable

no minimums

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo getty publications

Getty Publications (CDC, Edelweiss)

T 1=46%; X 1=40%; S 1=20%

T 1=50% NR; X 1=45% NR;
S 1=25% NR

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo indiana u press 

Indiana University Press (HFS, Edelweiss) 

46% on trade titles, 40% on short titles, 5 copy minimum.

Keycode ASRS for combined orders to sales rep (JHUP, Wesleyan, Northeastern, Indiana U Press).

HFS Free Freight on a minimum order of 15 copies Mix and match titles from any of these publishers: Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Northeastern University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of New Orleans Press, Wesleyan University Press 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo johns hopkins u press 

Johns Hopkins University Press (Hopkins Fulfillment Services, Edelweiss)

T=46%, A=40%, S=20%; 40% on shorts (5 copy minimum) - Use keycodes HSRS (Hopkins Sales Rep Special) for JHUP orders only. ASRS for combined orders (JHUP, Wesleyan, Northeastern)

HFS Free Freight on a minimum order of 15 copies Mix and match titles from any of these publishers: Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Northeastern University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of New Orleans Press, Wesleyan University Press 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 




 logo kent state u press

Kent State University Press (Edelweiss)

Retail discount policy - returnable

Trade titles=45%, any quantity; Short titles sales rep override to 40% (Short discount titles are generally 36%,  any quantity)

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming



 Logo Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation

Los Angeles Railroad Heritage


Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo maryland center for history and culture 


46% on trade titles, 40% on short titles.

HFS Free Freight on a minimum order of 15 copies Mix and match titles from any of these publishers: Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Northeastern University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of New Orleans Press, Wesleyan University Press 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



 logo millichap books

Millichap Books

6+=46% free freight returnable. Non-Returnable: 5+ =50% free freight

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo minnesota historical society press 

Minnesota Historical Society Press (IPS, Edelweiss)

5+ = 45% discount for Trade titles. Short discount (coded “s”) = 20% any quantity.

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo mla

Modern Language Association (MLA - Hopkins Fulfillment Services, Edelweiss)

5+=40%, otherwise all books. 25% (retail and wholesale).

MLA Texts and Translations series special -

45% discount until 12/31/2023. Free shipping for orders of 15+

Orders must go to rep.

 Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo museum of new mexico press 

Museum Of New Mexico Press (CDC)

Rep Special - 50% plus free freight with a minimum of 5 books.

General terms:

1=43%; 25=45%; S 1=20% (40% through rep)

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 




logo north star editions

North Star Editions (Edelweiss)

1=46% and free freight. No minimums

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 




logo northeastern u press

Northeastern University Press (Hopkins Fulfillment Services, Edelweiss)

T=46%, S=40, X=20%. No minimums

HFS Free Freight on a minimum order of 15 copies Mix and match titles from any of these publishers: Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Northeastern University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of New Orleans Press, Wesleyan University Press 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo northwestern u press

Northwestern University Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

Trade (T) =43%

Specialist (SP, S)=40% 
Short (X)=25%

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo ohio u press

Ohio University Press (CDC, Edelweiss)


Sales rep special - 

5+units=50% discount (backlist and frontlist)


For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Generally rep orders are: T 1=46%; S 1=20%; 3=40%  

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



 logo penn state u press

Penn State University Press (Edelweiss)

TR = 46%, SH = 20% (40% on "short" orders submitted through the rep).

Author events qualify for a 50% discount, returnable

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo prospero art

Prospero Art

Terms for Retailers:

For the card packs:

24  assorted units = $120 total net, $5.00 net unit price (60% discount)

48  assorted units = $228 total net, $4.75 net unit price (64% discount)

84  assorted units = $378 total net, $4.50 net unit price (64% discount)

168 assorted units = $714 total net, $4.25 net unit price (66% discount)

Free shipping, nonreturnablee

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 





logo redwood hikes press

Redwood Hikes Press


10+ maps= 45% discount with free shipping

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



 logo rit press

Rochester Institute of Technology Press (RIT Press)

5+=40%, otherwise all books 25% (retail and wholesale).

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



 logo self realization fellowship

Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers

1 = 25%; 5 + = 45% free freight              

Calendars: 5+=45% & FF Returnable   

50+ = 48% & FF Returnable                  

10+ = 50% & FF Non-Returnable

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo suny press

SUNY Press (Edelweiss)

Rep special - 45% on orders from rep.

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 




 logo temple u press

Temple University Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight with CDC

Trade Discounted titles: 1- 4 = 20%; 4 - 10 = 40%; 10 or more = 46%

Short discounted titles: 1- 4 = 20%; 4 and above = 40%

All sales rep orders get 40% discount even on short discounted books

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



 logo texas tech u press

Texas Tech University Press (Longleaf, Edelweiss)

Longleaf Rep Special - 50% trade (T); 45% shorts (S); 40% text (X)

Longleaf also offers free freight to independent bookstores (10+ units) 

 Regular terms:

Trade discount is 45% returnable and 50% nonreturnable. Short discount titles are 20%. No minimums.

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



 logo trailmaster


Terms: 45% discount with 6 book minimum. 36+=Free shipping.

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 




logo u of alabama press1


Rep special - 45% discount across all titles regardless of the coded discount.  Free freight on all orders of 15 copies or more

+5% for event orders

Standard discounts: 

45% - ATC (Trade Cloth)

45% - ATP (Trade Paper)

40% - ASPEC (Specialist Cloth)

40% - ASPEP (Specialist Paper) 

20% - ASC (Alabama Short Cloth) 

20% - ASP (Short Paper)

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo u of alberta press

University of Alberta Press (Hopkins Fulfillment Services, Edelweiss)

45% on trade titles, 40% on short/long titles

HFS Free Freight on a minimum order of 15 copies Mix and match titles from any of these publishers: Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Northeastern University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of New Orleans Press, Wesleyan University Press 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 




logo u of arizona press

University of Arizona Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

Generally, the discounts are:

T 1=45%; S 1=20% (40% rep override on shorts)

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo u of georgia press1

University of Georgia Press (Longleaf, Edelweiss)

Longleaf Rep Special - 50% trade (T); 45% shorts (S); 40% text (X)

Longleaf also offers free freight to independent bookstores (10+ units) 

General terms - T=45%, S=40%, X=20%.

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana



 logo u of hawaii press

University of Hawaii Press

T - 1=42%; 50=46%
S - 1=40%, rep override

Seasonal special: 50% on one order, UHP titles only. Distributed titles will be capped off at 40% as usual.

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo u of illinois press 

University of Illinois Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

Seasonal Rep Special Discount -  

Once a season

Trade and Short/Academic Trade and Text discount titles –

47% no minimum, no maximum

General terms:

45% - TRADE (no symbol)



25% - TEXT (x) (orders through the rep receive 40% discount on 1 – 10 copies)

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo u of iowa press

University of Iowa Press (CDC, Edelweiss) 

Trade books 1+=46%

Shorts 1=40%

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo u of missouri press

University of Missouri Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

Rep special: 50% on all titles (trade and short) included in your first seasonal order.

Retail discounts are: T=45%; SP=40%; S=20%; Boxed sets=30%

no minimums  

Author events, any quantity= 50%

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo u of nevada press

University of Nevada Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

Sales Rep’s Special: 5+ =50% (40% text and shorts) - one time per season

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

General terms - 1– 4 = 40%, 5+ = 45%; text and short 20%

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo u of new mexico press1

University of New Mexico Press (Longleaf, Edelweiss)

Distributes: Red Crane Books, and School for Advanced Research Press

Longleaf Rep Special - 50% trade (T); 45% shorts (S); 40% text (X)

Longleaf also offers free freight to independent bookstores (10+ units) 

General terms - 2+=45% (45% on both trade and shorts)

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo u of new orleans press 

University of New Orleans Press (Hopkins Fulfillment Services, Edelweiss)

All of their titles are trade discount – 47%

HFS Free Freight on a minimum order of 15 copies Mix and match titles from any of these publishers: Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Northeastern University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of New Orleans Press, Wesleyan University Press 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 




logo u of oklahoma press1

University of Oklahoma Press (Longleaf, Edelweiss)


Longleaf Rep Special - 50% trade (T); 45% shorts (S); 40% text (X)

Longleaf also offers free freight to independent bookstores (10+ units) 

General terms - Trade 1=45%; Short =40% (Museums & signings 1=40%) 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



logo u of pennsylvania press

University of Pennsylvania Press (IPS, Edelweiss)

Trade (T)=45%; Academic/Professional (S)=40%; Short hardcover (SDT)=30%; Short paperback (SP)=35%

OVERRIDE to 40% on shorts (SDT and SP)

Free freight on minimum order quantity of 15 units of $350 retail

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



 logo u of tennessee press

University of Tennessee Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

TR=40%, S=20%. Orders through the rep will receive 42%, 10+ units = 45%

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo u of utah press 

University of Utah Press  (CDC, Edelweiss)

T=44%, S=30%

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 



 logo u press of florida

University Press of Florida (Edelweiss)

RETAIL DISCOUNT SCHEDULE (effective 9/1/2021)

No minimums

Trade=45%;Short=40%; Text =20%. 

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



logo u press of kansas

University Press of Kansas (Edelweiss)

Longleaf Rep Special - 50% trade (T); 45% shorts (S); 40% text (X)

Longleaf also offers free freight to independent bookstores (10+ units) 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana



 logo wayne state u press1

Wayne State University Press (Edelweiss)

45% on trade titles; 40% on short/long titles - No Minimum

Territory: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming



logo wesleyan u press

Wesleyan University Press (Hopkins Fulfillment Services, Edelweiss)

T=46%, S=40, X=20%. No minimums

HFS Free Freight on a minimum order of 15 copies Mix and match titles from any of these publishers: Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Northeastern University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of New Orleans Press, Wesleyan University Press 

Territory: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana 




logo west virginia u press

West Virginia University Press (CDC, Edelweiss)

T = 45%

SP = 40%

S = 25%

No minimum

For Independent bookstores - 15+ units= free freight (CDC consolidates orders)

Territory: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming 



