Hi all!

Effective 1/1/2025 I have RETIRED from the sales representation business...


 happy pig



You should check with each of the publishers I used to represent to find out who their current representatives might be and/or to figure out how to conduct business with them. I do have some representation information below and there are also links to publisher contact information below. . .



I will of course still be involved in the book business and can be reached via my online used book business -




zenos logo



Happy Trails!


happy trails


books turquoise background


This what I know regarding representation for my various publishers:


The Karel/Dutton Group is taking over the representation of Oxford in the west ,


I believe that the Wilcher Associates publishers will be represented in what used to be my territory by the Faherty Group –


Central European University Press (HFS)

Diamond Book Distributors

Indiana University Press (HFS)

Johns Hopkins University Press (HFS)

Maryland Center for History and Culture (HFS)

Millichap Books

Minnesota Historical Society Press (IPS)

Modern Language Association (HFS)

Museum of New Mexico Press (CDC)

North Star Editions

Northeastern University Press (HFS)

Ohio University Press (CDC)

Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers

SUNY Press (they are moving to HFS for distribution)

University of Alberta Press (HFS)

University of Arizona Press (CDC)

University of Georgia Press (Longleaf)

University of Illinois Press (CDC)

University of Nevada Press (CDC)

University of New Mexico Press (currently Longleaf, but I just heard that they are going to SIMON & SCHUSTER!!! Ridiculous!!!!!)

University of New Orleans Press (HFS)

University of Oklahoma Press (Longleaf)

University of Pennsylvania Press (IPS)

University of Toronto Press (HFS)

University of Utah Press (CDC)

University Press of Kansas (Longleaf)

Wayne State University Press (Since they became part of HFS partners this year, they will be sold by Faherty, like SUNY Press)

Wesleyan University Press (HFS)



My guess is that these publishers will wind up being sold by the U of Chicago Press rep -


Getty Publications (CDC)

Northwestern University Press (CDC)

University of Iowa Press (CDC)

West Virginia University Press (CDC)



And finally, I have no idea who might be representinng these publishers moving forward. Best check the publisher websites -


Backcountry Press

Epicenter Press

Kent State University Press

Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation

Penn State University Press

Prospero Art

Redwood Hikes Press  

Rochester Institute of Technology Press (RIT Press)

Temple University Press (CDC)

Texas Tech University Press (Longleaf)


University of Alabama Press (CDC)

University of Hawaii Press

University of Missouri Press (CDC)

University of Tennessee Press (CDC)

University Press of Florida



To get the most up-to-date information, you should check with each individual publisher.



Customer Service information:



Chicago Distribution Center 

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 773-702-7109

Fax: 800-621-8476


Getty Publications (CDC)

Museum of New Mexico Press (CDC)

Northwestern University Press (CDC)

Ohio University Press (CDC)

Temple University Press (CDC)

University of Alabama Press (CDC)

University of Arizona Press (CDC)

University of Illinois Press (CDC)

University of Iowa Press (CDC)

University of Missouri Press (CDC)

University of Nevada Press (CDC)

University of Tennessee Press (CDC)

University of Utah Press (CDC)

West Virginia University Press (CDC)






Hopkins Fulfillment Services

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone 800-537-5487

Fax: 410-516-6998


Central European University Press (HFS)

Indiana University Press (HFS)

Johns Hopkins University Press (HFS)

Maryland Center for History and Culture (HFS)

Modern Language Association (HFS)

Northeastern University Press (HFS)

University of Alberta Press (HFS)

University of New Orleans Press (HFS)

University of Toronto Press (HFS)

Wayne State University Press (HFS)

Wesleyan University Press (HFS)




Longleaf  Services

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 800-848-6224

Fax: 800-526-2617  


Texas Tech University Press (Longleaf)

University of Georgia Press (Longleaf)

University of New Mexico Press (Longleaf)

University of Oklahoma Press (Longleaf)

University Press of Kansas (Longleaf)





Ingram Publishing Services

 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 866-400-5351

Fax: 800-838-1149


Minnesota Historical Society Press (IPS)

University of Pennsylvania Press (IPS)




Customer service information for publishers who handle their own distribution:


Oxford University Press

Email for customer service: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Email for orders: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 1-800-445-9714



Backcountry Press


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Diamond Book Distributors

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Phone: 443-318-8500 



Epicenter Press

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Kent State University Press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Phone: 800-247-6553



Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 626-458-4449 



Millichap Books

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



North Star Editions

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Penn State University Press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Prospero Art

(415) 877-4156




Redwood Hikes Press  

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




Rochester Institute of Technology Press (RIT Press)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



SUNY Press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Fax 877.204.6074 




Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 805-845-7102 



University of Hawaii Press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



University Press of Florida

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone 800-226-3822 







pages turn


 Bob Rosenberg


P.O.Box 16319

 San Francisco, CA 94116

  phone       (415) 564-1248 phone


email me           email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Customer Service information:





Below you will find customer service information for the publishers I represent grouped by distribution center   




Chicago Distribution Center 


Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 773-702-7109

Fax: 800-621-8476


logo getty publications1         logo museum of new mexico press         logo northwestern u press1                                                                   



logo ohio u press                            logo temple u press  

logo u of alabama press1                 logo u of arizona press


logo u of illinois press     logo u of iowa press     logo u of missouri press



logo u of nevada press      logo u of tennessee press


 logo u of utah press1          logo west virginia u press           





Hopkins Fulfillment Services


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone 800-537-5487

Fax: 410-516-6998


logo central european u press              logo indiana u press1           logo johns hopkins u press     logo maryland center for history and culture    


                       logo mla                                  logo northeastern u press       


 logo u of alberta press1            logo u of new orleans press       


logo wayne state u press1                     logo wesleyan u press




Longleaf  Services


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 800-848-6224

Fax: 800-526-2617  


     logo texas tech u press1       logo u of georgia press1


logo u of new mexico press1                       logo u of oklahoma press1        logo u press of kansas




Ingram Publishing Services


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 866-400-5351

Fax: 800-838-1149


logo minnesota historical society press                logo u of pennsylvania press





Customer service information for publishers who handle their own distribution:



 logo oxford u press

Email for customer service: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Email for orders: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 1-800-445-9714




 logo backcountry press


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






logo diamond 

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Phone: 443-318-8500 



logo epicenter press 

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



 logo kent state u press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Phone: 800-247-6553



Logo Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 626-458-4449 





 logo millichap books

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




logo north star editions


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 





 logo penn state u press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




logo prospero art

(415) 877-4156







logo redwood hikes press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 





 logo rit press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



 logo self realization fellowship


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



logo suny press


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Fax 877.204.6074 



 logo trailmaster


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 805-845-7102 





 logo u of hawaii press

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




 logo u press of florida


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone 800-226-3822 









Returns information:




 logo oxford u press

Oxford University Press 

Oxford University Press
2001 Evans Rd.
Cary, NC 27513

Returns to:

Oxford University Press
C/O Ingram Distribution Solutions
1250 Ingram Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17202

For returns guidelines, here is a link:




logo backcountry press

Backcountry Press






logo central european u press

Central European University Press 

Central European University Press

c/o Hopkins Fulfillment Services
P.O. Box 50370

Baltimore, MD 21211-4370





Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wayne State University Press

Wesleyan University Press




logo diamond 

Diamond Book Distributors 

Diamond Book Distributors

10150 York Rd, Suite 300
Hunt Valley, MD 21030


All returns must be full-copy, with customers paying the freight, unless specified otherwise, and will be credited at the same discount as the customer received, Returns must be accompanied by a packing slip, placed within the first carton. Cartons must be marked 1 of X, 2 of X, etc. Returns without a packing slip will be charged 5% of invoiced value. Returns will not be accepted for the following: Books/merchandise which either was not originally supplied by DBD or was purchased on a non-returnable basis, open boxes of products sold in packs, store damages such as slickers or ink marks, or Out-of-Print more than 180 days. Returns must be properly packed to prevent damage in shipping. Improperly packed returns will not be credited and will be returned to customers at their expense. Customers will be notified of any discrepancy or rejection of returns, and, at customer option, rejected returns will be sent back to the customer at a charge of $3.00 per box plus shipping, provided customer elects this option within 14 days.

No permission required for returns; up to 80 days after declared OP; All mass market titles are strippable for returns; no invoice required but do include a packing slip

Returns should be sent to:

Diamond Book Distributors
7485 Polk Lane
Olive Branch, MS 38654

Diamond Comic Distributors
PO Box 5007
Timonium MD 21094-5007




logo epicenter press 

Epicenter Books

Epicenter Press 
6524 NE 181st Street # 2
Kenmore, WA 98028


Returnable for credit:

Epicenter Press 
6524 NE 181st Street # 2
Kenmore, WA 98028




logo getty publications

Getty Publications 

Getty Publications
1200 Getty Center Drive
Suite 500
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1682


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628




logo indiana u press1 


Returns: Ingram Publisher Services / Ingram Academic will accept returned books and products invoiced by Ingram until April 30, 2023. After that, all returns should go to Hopkins Fulfillment Services.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Indiana University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press




 logo johns hopkins u press 

Johns Hopkins University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21218




Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Indiana University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press



 logo kent state u press

Kent State University Press 

Kent State University Press
1118 University Library Building
Kent, OH 44242



Prior permission to return is not required. Booksellers may return books within one year of the date of the invoice if they are in new, resalable condition (no price marks or stickers) and currently in print. Books that are out of print and books in unsaleable condition are not returnable and will be sent back at the customer’s expense. A packing list showing quantities, discounts received, and invoice number(s) must accompany returns. If no invoice number is given, credit will be issued at maximum discount. Written notice should be sent to BookMasters, Inc., within 30 days of receipt of damaged or defective books. Direct all returns to ordering address given above. Discount schedules will be furnished to booksellers upon request; write the Marketing Department of the Press. The letter t following the price of a book indicates trade discount; the letter s indicates short discount.

Returns address:

The Kent State University Press,
c/o BookMasters, Inc. (BMI)
30 Amberwood Parkway
Ashland OH 44805
800-247-6553 Fax
419-281-6883 Customer service/inquiries: 419-281-1802




 Logo Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation

Los Angeles Railroad Heritage

Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation
1500 W. Alhambra Road
Alhambra, CA 91801


Returnable for credit





logo maryland center for history and culture






Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press




 logo millichap books

Millichap Books

Millichap Books
1146 Rogers Rd
Graham, NC 27253


Returnable for credit




logo minnesota historical society press 


Minnesota Historical Society Press
345 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102



Titles are fully returnable for 180 days after out-of-print notification. Minnesota Historical Society Press returns may be combined with Ingram Book Company/Spring Arbor returns and shipped to:

Jackson Returns Department
191 Edwards Drive
Jackson, TN 38301

IPS contact information
Minnesota Historical Society Press
Phone: 866-400-5351
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


logo mla

Modern Language Association


Modern Language Association
85 Broad Street, suite 500
New York, NY 10004-2434





Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Indiana University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press





logo museum of new mexico press 

Museum Of New Mexico Press

Museum of New Mexico Press
PO Box 2087
725 Camino Lejo
Santa Fe NM 87504


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628 




logo north star editions

North Star Editions 

North Star Editions, Inc.
2297 Waters Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55120


Returns will be accepted after 90 days of purchase and up to one year from purchase date. Returns must be free of markings and in clean and saleable condition. Invoice number and date of purchase by line item should be included within the returned shipment. A North Star Editions invoice is required to ensure proper crediting. Please contact us immediately at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have received books that have been damaged in transit.

Returns should be mailed to:

North Star Editions
c/o Corporate Graphics
150 Kingswood Dr.
Mankato, MN 56001




logo northeastern u press

Northeastern University Press

Northeastern University Press
215 Long Lane
Middletown, CT 06459




Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:

Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026


Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.

Prepaid Order credit:

Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible

HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Indiana University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press




logo northwestern u press

Northwestern University Press 

Northwestern University Press
629 Noyes St
Evanston, IL 60208


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628



logo ohio u press

Ohio University Press 

Ohio University Press
31 South Court Street, Suite 143
Athens, OH 45701


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628





 logo penn state u press

Penn State University Press

Penn State University Press
820 N. University Dr., USB 1, Ste. C
University Park, PA 16802-1003


Returns Policy:

Books may be returned for full credit within one year of the date of the original invoice. Permission is not necessary as long as bookseller supplies invoice number and pays postage. If no invoice information is supplied, books will be credited at a 50% discount.
Books must be in saleable condition to receive credit. The Press reserves the right to refuse any return without invoice information. Books refused will be destroyed or sent back to the account at the discretion of the Press and at the account's expense.





logo prospero art

Prospero Art








logo redwood hikes press

Redwood Hikes Press








 logo rit press

Rochester Institute of Technology Press (RIT Press)

Rochester Institute of Technology
RIT Press
90 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623



All books are sold on a firm basis. Upon special request, returns may be accepted. If a return is accepted, the following terms apply:

1. The return period is 90 days from the publisher’s invoice date.

2. Return permission must be requested in advance so that RIT Press may issue
detailed packing and shipping instructions. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a return.

3. All returns must be in their original condition. Shrinkwrapped items that have been
unwrapped are not returnable.

4. Books returned after 30 days on a closed invoice are only eligible for account credit.




 logo self realization fellowship

Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers

Self-Realization Fellowship
3208 Humboldt St.
Los Angeles CA 90031



SRF Publishers
3233 N. San Fernando Rd. Unit 2
Los Angeles CA 90065

Eligibility: after 90 days and before 12 months from date of invoice; include copy of invoice; calendars are returnable whole until March 1 of dated year (for example, 2008 calendars are returnable until 3/1/08)
Permission: no
Penalty: no




logo suny press

SUNY Press

SUNY Press
353 Broadway
State University Plaza
Albany, NY 12246-0001


Returns Policy:

Books may be returned to the address listed below without prior permission provided they are in new, resaleable condition (no marks or stickers), and currently in print. Out-of-print titles may be returned for six months after the instock date has expired. Returns are only allowed by the customer who originally purchased the materials.  All returns should be accompanied by a packing list indicating quantity, discount received, and original Books International, Inc. invoice number or email receipt (for website purchases). Claims for damages, defects, shortages, and shipping errors must be made within 30 days of ship date.

Customer Service Contact Information:

Phone: 703-661-1575
Toll-Free: 877-204-6073
FAX: 703-996-1010
Toll-Free: 877-204-6074

Customer Service hours are 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday - Friday (Eastern Standard Time)

SUNY Press SAN 760-7261
Ordering Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address for Orders/Payments:

State University of New York Press
PO Box 960
Herndon, VA 20172-0960

Address for Returns:

SUNY Press
Returns Dept.
22883 Quicksilver Dr.
Dulles, VA 20166





 logo temple u press

Temple University Press 


Temple University Press
1900 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA  19122

Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628





 logo texas tech u press

Texas Tech University Press 

Texas Tech University Press
1120 Main Street
Second Floor
Box 41037
Lubbock, TX 79409-1037


Returns Policy:

Permission to return overstock from returnable accounts is not required.  Books must be returned within 18 months of the invoice date and currently in print as listed on the publisher’s website. Books must be clean, saleable copies without any signs of damage. Full credit allowed if customer supplies original invoice number, otherwise maximum discount applies.

Please send books prepaid and carefully packaged to our warehouse at:

Longleaf Services, Inc.

c/o IPS Distribution Solutions Returns

1550 Heil Quaker Blvd Ste 200

LaVergne, TN 37086.

Longleaf Services will not accept liability for lost/damaged returns in transit. Return claims must be submitted within 30 days of shipment in writing to the mailing address at bottom or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Claims must include a proof of delivery, and a packing list with weights.

Returns can be combined for Baylor University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Georgia Press, Louisiana State University Press, University of Oklahoma Press, University of Nebraska Press, University of New Mexico Press, University of North Carolina Press, University of Notre Dame Press, Syracuse University Press, Vanderbilt University Press, University of West Indies Press, University of Virginia Press, University Press of Kansas; and University of Calgary Press, Cork University Press, and University of Manitoba Press (US sales only).





 logo trailmaster


610 E. Victoria Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93103


Returnable for credit





logo u of alabama press1

University of Alabama Press

University of Alabama Press

228 McMillan

Box 870380 

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487



Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628







logo u of alberta press

University of Alberta Press 

University of Alberta Press
1-16 Rutherford Library South
11204 89 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J4





Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Indiana University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press




logo u of arizona press

University of Arizona Press 

University of Arizona Press
Main Library Building, 5th Floor
1510 E. University Blvd.
PO Box 210055
Tucson AZ 85721-0055


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628




logo u of georgia press1

University of Georgia Press 

University of Georgia Press
Main Library, Third Floor
320 South Jackson Street
Athens, GA 30602


Returns Policy:

Permission to return overstock from returnable accounts is not required.  Books must be returned within 18 months of the invoice date and currently in print as listed on the publisher’s website. Books must be clean, saleable copies without any signs of damage. Full credit allowed if customer supplies original invoice number, otherwise maximum discount applies.

Please send books prepaid and carefully packaged to our warehouse at:

Longleaf Services, Inc.

c/o IPS Distribution Solutions Returns

1550 Heil Quaker Blvd Ste 200

LaVergne, TN 37086.

Longleaf Services will not accept liability for lost/damaged returns in transit. Return claims must be submitted within 30 days of shipment in writing to the mailing address at bottom or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Claims must include a proof of delivery, and a packing list with weights.

Returns can be combined for Baylor University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Georgia Press, Louisiana State University Press, University of Oklahoma Press, University of Nebraska Press, University of New Mexico Press, University of North Carolina Press, University of Notre Dame Press, Syracuse University Press, Vanderbilt University Press, University of West Indies Press, University of Virginia Press, University Press of Kansas; and University of Calgary Press, Cork University Press, and University of Manitoba Press (US sales only).




 logo u of hawaii press

University of Hawaii Press


University of Hawaii Press
2840 Kolowalu Street
Honolulu, HI 96822-1888


Returns for Booksellers:

Booksellers must request permission to return books, tapes, maps, etc. in writing via mail, fax, or email. Upon approval, a written return authorization from the University of Hawai‘i Press (UH Press) will be sent to the Bookseller.

Returns are accepted only for items ordered directly from UH Press, and must be in clean and re-saleable condition. Out-of-print titles and books that are no longer distributed by UH Press are not eligible for return.

Bookseller’s return request must include the following information:

Correct invoice number(s) or invoice copy
Return reference number
Please include a copy of the return authorization with your returns. Books must be packaged properly to prevent damage while in-transit. No credit will be given for books with price-stickers, water damage, marks, or other shelf-worn damage.

Booksellers must report shortages or damaged books within 30 days (domestic) or 90 days (international) to receive full credit. When reporting a shortage, please indicate the number of copies shorted; replacement copies will be shipped. Reports received after 30 days (domestic) or 90 days (international) may be subject to a late processing fee equal to 30% of the publisher’s retail value.





logo u of illinois press 

University of Illinois Press 

University of Illinois Press
1325 South Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820-6903


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628 




logo u of iowa press

University of Iowa Press 


University of Iowa Press
119 W. Park Road
100 Kuhl House
Iowa City IA 52242-1000


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628



 logo u of missouri press

University of Missouri Press 

University of Missouri Press
113 Heinkel Building
201 South 7th Street
Columbia, MO 65211


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628 




logo u of nevada press

University of Nevada Press 

University of Nevada Press
Morrill Hall, MS 0166
Reno, NV 89557-0166


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628




logo u of new mexico press1

University of New Mexico Press

University of New Mexico Press
1717 Roma Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106


Returns Policy:

Permission to return overstock from returnable accounts is not required.  Books must be returned within 18 months of the invoice date and currently in print as listed on the publisher’s website. Books must be clean, saleable copies without any signs of damage. Full credit allowed if customer supplies original invoice number, otherwise maximum discount applies.

Please send books prepaid and carefully packaged to our warehouse at:

Longleaf Services, Inc.

c/o IPS Distribution Solutions Returns

1550 Heil Quaker Blvd Ste 200

LaVergne, TN 37086.

Longleaf Services will not accept liability for lost/damaged returns in transit. Return claims must be submitted within 30 days of shipment in writing to the mailing address at bottom or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Claims must include a proof of delivery, and a packing list with weights.

Returns can be combined for Baylor University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Georgia Press, Louisiana State University Press, University of Oklahoma Press, University of Nebraska Press, University of New Mexico Press, University of North Carolina Press, University of Notre Dame Press, Syracuse University Press, Vanderbilt University Press, University of West Indies Press, University of Virginia Press, University Press of Kansas; and University of Calgary Press, Cork University Press, and University of Manitoba Press (US sales only).



logo u of new orleans press 

University of New Orleans Press

University of New Orleans Press
2000 Lakeshore Drive Liberal Arts Building, Room 138
New Orleans, LA 70148





Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Indiana University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press




logo u of oklahoma press1

University of Oklahoma Press

University of Oklahoma Press
2800 Venture Dr.
Norman OK 73069-8216


Returns Policy:

Permission to return overstock from returnable accounts is not required.  Books must be returned within 18 months of the invoice date and currently in print as listed on the publisher’s website. Books must be clean, saleable copies without any signs of damage. Full credit allowed if customer supplies original invoice number, otherwise maximum discount applies.

Please send books prepaid and carefully packaged to our warehouse at:

Longleaf Services, Inc.

c/o IPS Distribution Solutions Returns

1550 Heil Quaker Blvd Ste 200

LaVergne, TN 37086.

Longleaf Services will not accept liability for lost/damaged returns in transit. Return claims must be submitted within 30 days of shipment in writing to the mailing address at bottom or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Claims must include a proof of delivery, and a packing list with weights.

Returns can be combined for Baylor University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Georgia Press, Louisiana State University Press, University of Oklahoma Press, University of Nebraska Press, University of New Mexico Press, University of North Carolina Press, University of Notre Dame Press, Syracuse University Press, Vanderbilt University Press, University of West Indies Press, University of Virginia Press, University Press of Kansas; and University of Calgary Press, Cork University Press, and University of Manitoba Press (US sales only).




logo u of pennsylvania press

University of Pennsylvania Press 

University of Pennsylvania Press
3905 Spruce St.
Philadelphia PA 19104-4112


Returns policy:

Permission to return is not required. Eligible titles may be returned to Ingram's Jackson facility, where they will be credited at the prevailing discount and retail price. Credit will be issued for books received in shop-worn or better condition that were purchased on a returnable basis. Returns will be accepted for 180 days following the issuing of out-of-print notifications.

Ship returns, postpaid, to:

Ingram Publisher Services
193 Edwards Drive
Jackson TN 38301
731-988-4440 x1230




 logo u of tennessee press

University of Tennessee Press 

University of Tennessee Press
110 Conference Center
Knoxville, TN 37996


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628 




logo u of utah press 

University of Utah Press  

University of Utah Press
J. Willard Marriott Library
295 South 1500 East, Suite 5400
Salt Lake City, UT 84112


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628




 logo u press of florida

University Press of Florida 

University Press of Florida

2046 NE Waldo Road

Suite 2100

Gainesville, FL 32609



Returns of clean, resalable inventory are accepted as long as the title remains in print. No prior permission required. The invoice number must be provided and books must arrive unmarked, unstickered, and undamaged in order to receive full credit. We cannot be responsible for returns erroneously shipped to our editorial offices. returns must be shipped at customer’s expense to our warehouse:

University Press of Florida Warehouse

1335 NW 53 Avenue

Gainesville, FL 32609




logo u press of kansas

University Press of Kansas 

University Press of Kansas
2502 Westbrooke Circle
Lawrence, KS 66045-4444


Returns Policy:

Permission to return overstock from returnable accounts is not required.  Books must be returned within 18 months of the invoice date and currently in print as listed on the publisher’s website. Books must be clean, saleable copies without any signs of damage. Full credit allowed if customer supplies original invoice number, otherwise maximum discount applies.

Please send books prepaid and carefully packaged to our warehouse at:

Longleaf Services, Inc.

c/o IPS Distribution Solutions Returns

1550 Heil Quaker Blvd Ste 200

LaVergne, TN 37086.

Longleaf Services will not accept liability for lost/damaged returns in transit. Return claims must be submitted within 30 days of shipment in writing to the mailing address at bottom or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Claims must include a proof of delivery, and a packing list with weights.

Returns can be combined for Baylor University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Georgia Press, Louisiana State University Press, University of Oklahoma Press, University of Nebraska Press, University of New Mexico Press, University of North Carolina Press, University of Notre Dame Press, Syracuse University Press, Vanderbilt University Press, University of West Indies Press, University of Virginia Press, University Press of Kansas; and University of Calgary Press, Cork University Press, and University of Manitoba Press (US sales only).




 logo wayne state u press1

Wayne State University Press 

Wayne State University Press

c/o Hopkins Fulfillment Services
P.O. Box 50370

Baltimore, MD 21211-4370





Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wayne State University Press

Wesleyan University Press




logo wesleyan u press

Wesleyan University Press  

Wesleyan University Press
215 Long Lane
Middletown, CT 06459





Current editions of clean, resalable books may be returned within 18 months of the invoice date. No prior permission is required; however all of the following must be adhered to:

a. All stickers and sticker residue must be removed.

b. A debit memo must be enclosed stating the reason for the return and original invoice number(s). If the original invoice number(s) are not supplied, credit will be issued at the highest maximum discount.

c. All shipping charges must be prepaid.

d. Books not distributed by HFS and returned to our warehouse in error will be destroyed.

e. Books that fall outside the 18 months return window will not be credited and will not be returned.

f. Books that have been out of print for 6 months or more will not be credited and destroyed.

g. For books that are received damaged please return the cover and title pages to us with a debit memo listing all pertinent information as noted above. Please indicate whether you would like replacement copies for the damaged books. Credit will be issued to your account unless otherwise noted.


Return Address:


Hopkins Fulfillment Service

Returns Dept

Maple Logistics

Lebanon Distribution Center

704 Legionaire Dr

Fredericksburg, PA 17026




Credit on account: Refund request must be submitted in writing. Credit has to be on the account for at least six months with no recent sales activity.


Prepaid Order credit:


Refunds on prepaid orders will be issued as soon as possible


HFS distributes for:


Catholic University of America Press

Central European University Press

Family Development Press

Georgetown University Press

Indiana University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Maryland Center for History & Culture

Modern Language Association

Northeastern University Press

University of Alberta Press

University of New Orleans Press

University of South Carolina Press

University of Washington Press

University Press of Kentucky

Wesleyan University Press




logo west virginia u press

West Virginia University Press 

West Virginia University Press
West Virginia University
PO Box 6295
Morgantown, WV 26506


Returns Policy:

All books returned to CDC must be in saleable condition. CDC will return to the customer shelf-worn and stickered books, along with a charge for return postage. Titles that are out of print may be returned for six months after the OP date.

CDC’s database maintains line item sales detail for all of its customers. Credit will be issued based upon the latest purchase information available. If no purchase information is available, CDC will issue credit at the maximum discount allowed if purchase was made through the CDC. 

Returns address:

Chicago Distribution Center
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628

